1Passowrd Wants Customers to Store Data in Cloud

By | July 14, 2017


1Password is a password manager developed by AgileBits Inc. This cross-platform tool allows users to store various passwords, software licenses and other sensitive data in a virtual vault encrypted by a PBKDF2-guarded master password. During the setup, you can choose to store password files locally, or synchronize them to remote servers through Dropbox, local Wifi, iCloud or 1Passwor.com, a subscription-based sync service maintained by AgileBits.

Yet recently a number of security experts expressed their worries in Twitter about the change of 1Password subscription model: AgileBits is pointed out to quietly shift the password management service from local credential storage to a cloud-based option.

The cloud-based option costs $2.99 per month. Previously, the 1Password and corresponding services were sold through one-time license, and it allows users to create and store password in a local encrypted vault. Though the service provider has not immediate plans to remove local vault storage, it is currently advocating monthly subscription plans which serve up remotely stored password vaults through 1Password.com. It now appears that the change is not universally welcomed.

Security researchers used to recommend this software, given the local storage feature and also one-time license payment. Some users believe that it is more safer to store date locally than to in cloud-based servers. Experts argue that the data store in the cloud is more vulnerable, as hackers don’t have to break a specific device for getting personal passwords.

Remote storage server has its own advantages. Monthly subscription customers can immediate access to their cloud-stored data by logging into their accounts from any Internet-connected device. Besides, users who lost iPhone or Mac don’t need to worry about the locally stored data leaking out as they can still retrieve locally stored credentials.

“We want our customers to get the best. Some people won’t agree with that so we’ll work with them to get set up how they want, but for 99.9 percent of people, 1Password.com is absolutely the way to go,” said Connor Hicks, an engineer at 1Password.

The new 1Password for Windows has been made for 1Password.com, which means it has no license option built in the software. This change has demonstrated the company’s intention that they really want their customers to stop using local storage version.

1Password is available on iOS and macOS platforms. Apple users can download this password management app from App Store for free. Have you installed the app yet? Any alternative you are using now?

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